Triathlon training camps with Active at Altitude

Triathlon Training Camps

Triathlon is becoming big business – races sell out quicker year on year, race entries increase just as sharply, and more and more athletes turn to triathlon, try it, like it, and stay.
The sport demands a lot of dedication, especially if you have committed to a full Ironman – 140.6 is a very long way, especially when it all takes place on the same day!

Active at Altitude has been attracting triathletes for altitude training since 2007. The combination of altitude, a first class aquatic center at 7,500 feet, amazing road climbs and trails that will take your heart rate to new highs on both bike and on the run, means that Estes Park makes an ideal training base for any triathlete. One additional factor that few other training locations at altitude has, is that within 30 minutes of leaving Estes Park, you can drop over 2,000 feet in elevation, and be able to work that bit harder with the additional oxygen levels. Triathlon training camps have become increasingly popular as the sport has grown, providing everyday triathletes with a chance to focus on each of the three disciplines, and benefit from personalized coaching time with, in some cases, World-class coaches!

tri-swim1The dates for the 2014 Triathlon Training Camp at Active at Altitude are Saturday April 26 to Thursday May 1 2014.  Camp Coach is Bill Ruth, a local Estes Park resident, an ex World Record holder (70.3 World Record Holder in 1983 for Lake Ontario International Half Ironman in 4.12.00), ranked #4 in the World in 1983 & 1984, and ranked top 10 at all distances 1983-1987. Bill was also a highly successful and honored coach: he was Cross Country and Track and Field Coach at Liberty High School from 1976 to 2007, winning 29 titles, and was named Express-Times Cross Country Coach of the Year in 1999, and Northern Colorado Girls Coach of the Year, 2008-2010, during a three year spell at Estes Park High School. Bill teams up for this camp with Terry Chiplin, owner of Active at Altitude and highly experienced endurance coach.

The camp will cover training and workshops on each of the three disciplines. The swim component is where most triathletes have the hardest time – Bill is a 12 time all American swimmer, and has also been a highly successful high school swim coach. Swim sessions will take place at the Estes Park Aquatic Center, a 6 lane facility close to downtown Estes Park, and the High School track. Rides will usually start from our accommodation; we may also travel down to Lyons (5,400 feet) and use the opportunity to work on faster pace without the major climbs that the Estes Park area is famous for. Runs usually take place on road or smoother trails in the Estes Park area – we may also use the High School track for specific paced workouts.

Workshops on specific triathlon related subjects will take place in a meeting room at our accommodation at Keno’s Llama Ranch, near Mary’s Lake. Here is an example of the daily schedule for a typical day at camp:
[list icon=”chevron-right”][list_item]Breakfast[/list_item][list_item]Anaerobic threshold training theory[/list_item][list_item]Running warm up and dynamic flexibility session[/list_item][list_item]AT Cruise interval workout[/list_item][list_item]Lunch[/list_item][list_item]Swim video taping & instruction [/list_item][list_item]Long road ride[/list_item][list_item]Dinner[/list_item][list_item]Swim video analysis[/list_item][/list]

Camp rates & registration

Camp rate depends on accommodation option chosen:
Single room / private bath (1 available)                   $1600.00
Single room / shared  bath (2 available)                  $1400.00
Double room / shared bathroom (2 available)        $1250.00
Bunk room / shared bathroom (3 available)           $1050.00

Initial payment is 50% of camp rate and is due at time of booking. Balance is due March 10 2014.  We now use an independent local race registration company, Running Guru, for our camp registrations.  Just click on the button below to register for the 5 day Spring Tri Camp!



This camp is limited to a maximum of 10 participants – we advise booking early to secure your spot.
If you have any questions on the camp, please contact us, or call 303-304-9159.

Happy training – we look forward to seeing you!

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