Advanced camp 2019

July 13 – 19, 2020

This camp is for you if you are a more experienced or advanced runner. Maybe you’re someone that has an idea there is more ability inside you that you have not connected with yet. Perhaps you’re looking to BQ, set a PR for a goal race, run your first marathon, or maybe your first ultra. The focus for this camp is to challenge your limits, and give you all the tools you need, training you both inside and out, to lift your running to a whole new level.

We recommend this camp if you are a runner that can already run at least a half marathon distance at 10 min/mile pace or faster at your home elevation. Most runners that come to this camp are marathoners, so you may be in fast and long company! If you’re not sure if this camp is for you, feel free to contact us and we can discuss your status, and decide from there.

Each day will start with a run, and includes a variety of cross training activities like hiking, pool running, and a floor session of some kind. Every run and activity is guided by an expert and certified guide or coach.

Have you ever seen yourself run? Most runners haven’t! We will video your running at the beginning of the camp and then review each video and give feedback on tips that can help improve running efficiency. We then focus on those highlighted key factors of your form during the camp runs, so that you have an opportunity to improve your running technique. We then take another video at camp end for review and comparison with the initial video. This gives each camper a wonderful opportunity to see in real time how the changes suggested have had a positive impact on each runner’s form.

We will also cover effective sustainable training plans, sharing the guiding principles of Lydiard Training, including how to build your own training plan towards a goal race.

Workshops during the camp will cover subjects like positive running, nutrition, training plans, mental focus, guided imagery, and more. Each camper will leave camp with an action plan and output and input goals to enable that plan to be achieved.

The camp takes place in the gorgeous mountain town of Estes Park, Colorado, with the majority of the runs taking place between 7,500 feet and 9,000 feet surrounded by the backdrop of the majestic Rocky Mountains. For this advanced camp, two mountain summits take place during the camp. One at over 11,000 feet, and the second at over 12,000 feet (weather permitting) – these runs take you to the top of the World, and are breathtaking experiences, both literally and metaphorically!


We will keep you posted on exciting news on who our coaches will be for this amazing camp!

How you benefit

•  learn about how to increase your running economy and efficiency from video reviews of your running form

•  understand how posture impacts your running experience

•  learn about sustainable training and how to include this in your life

•  enjoy great food and camaraderie

•  learn about the positive running movement® and mental training for performance, experience and life

•  learn what blocks you create to being the best version of you and how to unlock them

•  run against the backdrop of the majestic Rocky Mountains in clean clear air

•  learn how to achieve relaxation and flow in your running

•  leave with a clear action plan and output and input goals to achieve your plan

This camp is for you if you are a woman runner that can already run a half marathon distance at 10 min/mile or faster at home elevation, on paved or dirt roads. Trail pace will be slower, depending on terrain.

Accommodation type - July 12-18 camp RateNumber available
Single room & private bath$19501
Single room & shared bath$18003
Double room & shared bath$16501
Bunk room and shared bath $14502

Click on the register button on the page below. This takes you to the registration page for this camp – complete your personal details along with credit or debit card details. Initial payment at time of registration is 50% of camp cost. The balance is due on or before June 1, 2020. You will receive a reminder for the balance payment and be able to pay online.

Each camp includes accommodation (2 women per room sharing in a double room – 4 in bunk room – single room and shared room options available), coaching, video review of running form, all meals, water and juices, all sessions, group transport, journals, towels, bedding and a women’s cut tech tee shirt.

Camps start at 4.00 pm the first day, and finish at 12.00 pm on the last day. Here is a typical day’s schedule:

  • Snack
  • Run in RMNP
  • Breakfast
  • Workshop – Goal setting / action plans
  • Rest & relaxation
  • Lunch
  • Hike
  • Workshop – Nutrition
  • Rest & relaxation
  • Dinner
  • Inspirational movie

The nearest airport is Denver International (DIA) – the airport is a 1.5 hour drive away from Estes Park. We provide transport during the camp, so you don’t need to bring your own. We recommend a local shuttle service that can pick you up at DIA, and drop you at the camp door here in Estes Park. They will also make the same run in reverse at camp end. To arrive in time for camp start, use the 1.00 pm shuttle from DIA. For return to DIA, use the 10.00 am shuttle. The round trip charge is $85 per person. See more details and to book at Estes Park Shuttle.

Food will be primarily vegetarian – special diets can be catered for. We have successfully catered for vegans, runners with gluten intolerance, and various dietary allergies.

Camp Director and Head Coach is Terry Chiplin. He is an endurance and life coach, and owner of Active at Altitude. Terry has over 20 years experience working and inspiring athletes of all abilities, from Olympic marathoner to a runner completing their first 5K! Terry is a certified Lydiard Level II coach – Athur Lydiard was the most successful running coach in history, and his sustainable training principles live on today – see more about the Lydiard Foundation here.  He has also been a coach for Revolution Running based in Boulder.
Terry works with top level women coaches and guest athletes who bring their own special flavor and expertise to the camps – check each camp to see who will be the guest coach and / or athlete for your level of camp.

Each camp includes runs, activities and sessions from the following:

  • guided trail runs of varying length and intensity
  • speed work or hill work
  • interval or tempo sessions
  • guided climbing
  • hiking
  • pool or aqua running
  • flexibility
  • floor or yoga session
  • running form and injury prevention
  • workshops on visualization / self belief / nutrition / motivation / race preparation/ goal setting / and more…
  • camp journals – workshops will include creating action plans to incorporate learning and commitments to take away
  • video review of running technique
  • a major focus on goal setting with one to one sessions with Camp Director – everyone leaves with a goal and detailed action plan and support network to achieve that goal

We hope you never have to cancel your place for one of your camps once you have registered. However, life does happen, and things can change. You can see our cancellation policy at this link. Starting with our camps in 2020, you have the option to choose cancellation coverage for a small additional costs to protect your investment. We will always do our best to work with you if you do need to cancel.

The average age for campers is mid 40’s.
The youngest camper we have had is 21; we have also had two women campers in their 70’s who attended with their daughters!
Age is not a factor in deciding whether you think you could enjoy and benefit from these camps – feel free to contact us if you have any questions on your suitability for our camps.

Register for July 13 camp

Are you ready for the running and training vacation of your life? Why not click on the button below – we look forward to you joining us! Registration opens to the public November 1, 2019.

Have any questions on this camp?

Use the button to send an e-mail inquiry – we usually respond within 24 hours. We look forward to hearing from you.