You are a runner. It’s how you identify yourself and it’s what you enjoy doing. Your running routine had been rock solid and then…..COVID-19 struck. Nearly a year later, it continues to wreak havoc on our lives and our habits.
empowerment for women
5 great reasons to come to a women’s running camp
Have you ever thought about coming to a women’s running camp? Did you wonder how hard it might be, and doubting if it could be right for you? Think about how often you listen to self sabotaging negative thoughts,
Estes Park running camps deliver empowerment for women
"A once in a lifetime fitness retreat for women." Shape magazine, 2015 Women runners continue to lead the way in running in the United States. The 2017 Running USA report on road race trends shows that despite the total number of race finishers reducing, the proportion of female finishers is at 57%, a proportion that [...]
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